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David Hole

David Hole (Professional - CTP)

Co-founder and Director

Galen Partners




+44 (0) 844 576 0402


+44 (0) 7976 758 246



Galen Partners
Galen House
7 Egerton Road
WA15 8EE

David’s motto is “plan your future before others plan it for you”. He is a fellow of the EACTP, R3 and the IPA and is a founding partner of Galen Partners, GPS Capital & GPS Education. He is a former director of TMA (UK) with 25 years' experience in the role of General Manager / MD / CRO / Interim FD / NED or advisor. Assertive in approach and pragmatic to identify the time, money and keeping control for his clients; he says: "I’m more interested in reformatting a business model to be more effective. I’m in for the long haul beyond the obvious financial fixes. In my experience – beyond the initial crisis stabilisation there are no magic bullets. Executing the turnaround plan is a demanding process and a trusted partner is vital to get the desired outcome."

Member of EACTP since 01 November 2013

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