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Stefan Nobbenhuis

Stefan Nobbenhuis (Professional - CTP)

Executive Director

ABN AMRO - Financial Restructuring - International




+ 31 (0)20 628 6377


+31 (0)6 2063 4718



Foppingadreef 22

1102 BS Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Stefan is a seasoned turnaround professional and Executive Director in ABN AMRO’s Financial Restructuring & Recovery team, based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Stefan has more than 10 years of restructuring experience, focusing primarily on the financial restructuring of complex international situations. He works specifically with companies active in energy, commodities or shipping sectors and in this role, he has on many occasions served on Steering Committees.  He has experience leading successful restructurings throughout Europe, USA, Brazil and Singapore, managing a variety of stakeholders. Stefan holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

Member of EACTP since 09 April 2018

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