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Turnaround Management Association

Membership Benefits

The EACTP’s certification programme is open to all professionals with significant involvement in turnaround management, including lawyers, bankers, accountants, insolvency practitioners and managers.

It offers levels of membership to cater for turnaround managers at all stages of their career from those just starting out to those with many years of experience.

By joining the EACTP and becoming a certified turnaround professional you are proving to prospective employers that you have the knowledge, experience and integrity they need.

Becoming a member of the EACTP also offers the following benefits:

Association with a global brand – This is the only turnaround certification programme that is pan-European with a certification panel comprised of leading turnaround professionals from across the continent. The EACTP programme is an associate of the TMA Global’s CTP accreditation scheme which is respected and recognised in North America, Asia, Australia and South Africa.

Instant recognition - Becoming certified by the global CTP standard gives you the professional edge in a very competitive field by offering prospective employers an instantly recognisable assurance of your turnaround experience.

Standard of quality - Earn your certification to demonstrate that you meet the programme’s rigorous standards and have the requisite credentials for any turnaround or restructuring engagement, including:

  • Proven knowledge in management, accounting and finance, and law
  • Verified multiple years of experience leading restructuring engagements
  • Established credibility by adherence to strict ethical standards.

Raised profile – The EACTP will actively promote its members’ expertise to buyers of turnaround and restructuring services through its European Directory of members.

TMA Europe also offers members of EACTP a discount on the cost of attending most of its conferences.

Click here to apply now.

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The Certified Turnaround Analyst Online Learning Programme is the only European-wide accreditation programme for turnaround professionals and is the first step to becoming a fully accredited Certified Turnaround Professional (CTP)

Membership Offer!

Get money off your fees if five or more applicants from your company are nominated.

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