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Turnaround Management Association

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Sound risk for more than 36% of Italian companies, opening the door for effective turnaround

By Alberto Cerini, Head of Corporate Turnaround & Restructuring at Studio Temporary Manager SPA

In Italy financial rating at risk for 36% of companies with turnover between 5 and 50 million euros, with eight regions that exceed 40%. The discontinuity with the past entrusted to credible managers alongside the entrepreneur
is the key to effective turnaround.

To suffer more are companies in Sicily (43%), Abruzzo (42%), Lazio (42%), Molise (42%), Puglia (42%), Calabria (42%), Basilicata (41%) and Sardinia (41%). 2021 is marked by uncertainty, but an effective corpor

ate restructuring plan can create a climate of trust and consensus among the main stakeholders, thus offering a second chance to a company in crisis.

Recovery plan, corporate restructuring and corporate turnaround were among the most recurring words of the past 2020 and the next ones to focus on. 2021 will be a complex year for Italian SMEs, with Cerved agency expecting to see an increase in defaults of +10% compared to the pre-Covid months, despite State aid and the hopes entrusted to the Recovery Plan. But what is the situation today? How many companies won't make it when the moratoriums and extensions end?

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